Thursday, August 4, 2011

Black Crackle Comparisons

Hello my lovely followers and new readers! How are you all doing today?

Today I am here to answer the age old question: Are all crackles the same? (Okay, maybe not age old, just since every brand started releasing their own crackle)

I have three black crackles in my collection: China Glaze Black Mesh, OPI Black Shatter, and La Rosa black (sent to me by NailDeRoyale).

I applied them all over OPI Extravagance to see the differences, using the same technique of applying like a normal polish (from cuticle to tip in three separate strokes, one center, two sides). Here are the results:

As you can see, China Glaze is a little more linear, and created lines in the direction of the brush but not many horizontal lines. The OPI (which, by the way, dries out in no time and was chunky as h-e-double hockeysticks when I broke it out to try this, which reminded me why I never use OPI's shatter) broke up into smaller bundles of crackle, appearing more like a leopard print pattern. Finally, La Rosa broke up pretty evenly, leaving the gaps in the polish but the overall look is black. La Rosa was actually my favorite because, as you can see, China Glaze and OPI require some coddling (special techniques, thinner) whereas La Rosa just applies like a dream. Its consistency is quite similar to a normal polish and isn't thick, so you can work with it pretty easily.

Which one do you prefer?



Ellen said...

I prefer the China Glaze but I also like the La Rosa which is a close second for me! I think the OPI always looks a little worn but I like the randomness in the way they crack!

Amanda said...

La Rosa also has a really cool texture because it's the consistency of a normal polish and when you put it on, you can blow on it to get it to crack faster and watch the process. It's really cool! haha