Thursday, March 7, 2013


Some more rainbows today. Rainbows WITHIN A RAINBOW, as a matter of fact. I did some skittles using a few crelly-based rainbow glitters I had in my untrieds bin and this is what happened:

The blue is Pretty and Polished Party At Joe's (which I got primarily because my boyfriend is named Joe, so, yeah...) and the rest are all minis I got from a set from Claire's with no names. The lavender on my pinky is very reminiscent of It's A Trap-eze except a lavender base. They're actually all pretty unique, who knew?

Don't forget to go check out Amanda and Sarah!



Madeline said...

Yo dawg, I heard you like rainbows so I put some rainbows on your rainbows.

Amanda, Nail Polish Enthusiast said...

hahaha best comment ever!